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Government Contracting Terminologies

Bid - a tender, proposal or quotation submitted in response to a solicitation from a contracting authority

Bidders' Conference - a meeting to discuss with potential bidders, technical, operational and performance specifications, and/or the full extend of financial, security and other contractual obligations related to a bid solicitation

Closing Date - the deadline for all bid submissions

Competitive Bidding - offers submitted by individuals or firms competing for a contract, privilege or right to supply specified services or merchandise

Contract - obligation between competent parties up a legal consideration, to do or abstain from doing some act

Contract Amendment - an agreed addition to, deletion from, correction or modification of a contract

Contractor - one who contracts to perform work or furnish materials in accordance with a contract.

Estimated Value - indicates the approximate value of the contract

Procurement - the process of obtaining material and services which includes the determination of requirements and acquisition from a supply system or by purchase from the trade

Proposal - an offer, submitted in response to a request from a contracting authority, that constitutes a solution to the problem, requirement or objective in the request

Invitation for Bid (IFB, IFBs) – an IFB is also referred to as a “sealed bid”. It is usually for requirements over $100,000, it is competitive and the lowest bid will win

Request for Proposal (RFP, RFPs) or Request for Tender (RFTs, RFT) - an RFP, while generally used for requirements of $25,000 or more, is often employed for requirements where the selection of a supplier cannot be made solely on the basis of the lowest price. An RFP is used to procure the most cost-effective solution based upon evaluation criteria identified in the RFP

Request for Quotation (RFQ, RFQs) - an RFQ is normally sent out when a requisition is received for goods and services valued at less than $25,000. The bid documents are kept simple so that the contract can be awarded quickly

Search Government Bids, Contracts, RFP, RFQ, RFT
Win State, Local, Federal Government Contracts and Bids
Government Contracting and Bidding
Government Contracting: Opportunities and Facts
Why Government Contracting?
Government Contracting Terminologies
Government Procurement: Bids and Contracts
Government Procurement: Simplified Procedures
Government Procurement: Sealed Bid, Invitation for Bid (IFB)
Request for Proposal, Request for Tender
Request for Quotation
What the Government Buys?
How to Find Government Bids, Contracts, Request for Proposal?
Why Register as Government Vendors and Contractors?
Government Bidders List
What to Know When Writing a Proposal or Bid?
How to Write a Proposal or Respond to a Bid Solicitation?
Tracking Proposal: Winning Bids, Awards

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