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Find RFP is the leader in providing government bids, government contracts, and government RFP finder and notification services. Find RFP conducts daily searches of government RFPs (RFP, request for proposal), government bids, government contracts, RFQs (RFQ, request for Quotations), RFIs (RFI, Request for Information), government auctions, government tenders, government projects, government surplus, and other government bidding and government contracting information published by federal, state, county, city, municipal, local government, town agencies, and government agency buyers such as colleges, universities, school districts, hospitals, correctional facilities, water districts, public utilities, police and fire departments. The government solicitation notices include pre solicitation notices, active solicitations, and awards.

Find RFP compiles the most exhaustive list of government RFPs, RFQs/RFIs, and government bid/contract opportunities. We also maintain government RFPs, government bids, government contracts and quotes directly from our government agency partners. These government bidding/contracting opportunities are only available from our e-Purchasing network. See our Government Bids and Contracts Sources.

Government contractors and vendors will have unlimited online access of our centralized database of government RFP, RFQ/RFI, government bid/contract, RFPs, RFQs/RFIs and other government procurement opportunities.

Individual Plans

   National Plan:   $29.95/month

  • Most comprehensive search. Receive notifications on new government RFPs from anywhere in the United States.

  • Unlimited online search for all 50 states.

  • Option to choose to eliminate states from which you do not wish to receive RFPs.

   Regional Plan:   $19.95/month

  • Most efficient and cost-effective if your business is highly regional.
  • Unlimited online search for all 50 states.

  • Receive notifications on new government RFPs posted in specified geographic regions (up to 4 states).
Group Plans  

The group package is being offered to trade associations and organizations. A minimum of five individual accounts is required in order to receive a discount from our already rock bottom price. Please contact us for more information.


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Find RFP, Inc, The leader in Government RFP, Government Bids, Government Contracts Finder and Notification